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ENG WG3 Meetings

Opening session and Presentation: SBAS standardization by Elisabet Lacarra

Presentation ENG WG3

ENG WG3 Meetings

ENG WG 3 opening plenary will have a presentation; SBAS standardization by Elisabet Lacarra and Manuel Lopez

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.1

ENG meeting room A

Taks group opening and Presentation: SBAS and gLab by Ginés Moreno

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.5

ENG meeting room A

High accuracy systems

ENG WG3 TG-3.3.1

ENAV WG3 Meetings

Enhanced Radar Positioning System standardization discussion. Plan a workshop?

ENG WG3 TG-3.2.2

ENG WG3 Meetings

Kick off Draft Guideline on R-Mode Implementation using MF & VHF transmissons (plan work during ENG13)

ENG13 WG3 TG 3.4.2/3.4.4

ENG WG3 Meetings

Augmentation Services: DGNSS Guidance Develop the guideline supporting administrations that wish to maintain their services and those seeking to retire their DGPS service

ENG WG3 TG-4.5.2

ENG WG3 Meetings

High Accuracy Review: meeting held to review comments provided to the current High Accuracy Systems Guidelines

ENG WG3 TG-3.2.2

ENG WG3 Meetings

R-Mode Matters- status update

ENG WG3 TG 3.4.2/3.4.4

ENG WG3 Meetings

Augmentation Services: RTCM questions This meeting aims at answer the questions from RTCM provided by Stig-Erik Christiansen, via a Liaison Note.


ENG WG3 Meetings

Review of the PNT aspects within the NAVGUIDE

ENG WG3 TG1 – Resilient PNT GL

ENG WG3 Meetings

This is the first meeting for this TG - the aim is to review where we are and to plan what we can do in this reporting period

ENG WG3 TG-3.2.2

ENG WG3 Meetings

R-Mode matters review of work and closing

ENG WG3 TG-4.5.2

ENG meeting room A

High Accuracy Review: meeting held to review comments provided to the current High Accuracy Systems Guidelines

WG3 closing session

ENAV WG3 Meetings

Closing meeting of this session for WG3 Radionavigation services.  In this session we will review the draft report for the session, along with any output documents that have not been reviewed previously.  We will also have a chance to discuss topics generally, so if you have any updates to share, please let the Chair/Vice Chair […]

ENG13 Last Call for silent approval

Deadline for papers to be approved using the silent approval procdure during ENG13. Papers should be submitted to the secretary before this deadline in order to allow sufficient time for them to be approved before the closing plenary.

ENG13 WG3 TG 3.4.2/3.4.4

ENG WG3 Meetings

Augmentation Services: DGNSS Guidance Continue work on the DGNSS Guideline

ENG14 – WG3 Opening meeting

ENG WG3 Meetings

Opening meeting of WG3 members to discuss and set out plans for this meeting.

ENG WG3 TG-3.2.2 (R-Mode)

ENG WG3 TG-3.2.2

All R-Mode related items Main task will be progressing R-Mode implementation guideline

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.2 / 3.4.4 (DGNSS)

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.2 / 3.4.4

This will be the first meeting on the development of the DGNSS guideline for this ENG period.  We will review progress to date and consider how we can move the document forward during this work period.

ENG WG3 TG-3.1.1 (Resilient PNT)

ENG WG3 TG-3.1.1

Our first meeting of this ENG14 period will take a look at where we are, what we need to do and how we can move forward.

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.5 (High Accuracy)

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.5

Review the input papers for this specific task, the previous GL status and breakdown the work to be done among the volunteers

ENG WG3 TG-3.2.2 (R-Mode)

ENG WG3 TG-3.2.2

All R-Mode related items Main task will be progressing R-Mode implementation guideline

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.6 (SBAS)

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.6 (SBAS)

Review of the update proposal of G1129 "The retransmission of SBAS corrections using MF RB and AIS" - Session 1 The objective of this meeting is to review the input paper submitted to ENG14 WG3 with regard to the proposal to update the G1129 "The retransmission of SBAS corrections using MF RB and AIS". - […]

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.5 (High Accuracy)

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.5

Merge the collaboration of the volunteers and discuss comments about modifications

ENG WG3 TG-3.2.2 (R-Mode)

ENG WG3 TG-3.2.2

All R-Mode related items Main task will be progressing R-Mode implementation guideline

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.6 (SBAS)

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.6 (SBAS)

Review of the update proposal of G1129 "The retransmission of SBAS corrections using MF RB and AIS" - Session 2 The objective of this meeting is to review the input paper submitted to ENG14 WG3 with regard to the proposal to update the G1129 "The retransmission of SBAS corrections using MF RB and AIS". - […]

ENG14 – WG3 Closing meeting

ENG WG3 Meetings

WG3 closing meeting.  A chance for the WG to review and approve completed output papers and the WG report, review progress and plan further work.  Items of work that are in development can continue until the Committee closing plenary on the 2nd Nov.

ENG15 WG3 TG-3.2.2

ENG WG3 TG-3.2.2

Opening Meeting R-Mode task group

ENG15 WG3 closing

ENG WG3 Meetings

WG3 close out session - meeting to review Guidelines, liaison notes and other documents that are due to be finalised and submitted for silent assent.  Also review the WG3 report […]

ENG15 WG3 TG-3.4.2 / 3.4.4 Augmentation

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.2 / 3.4.4

Augmentation Services DGNSS Guidance: First session on Tasks 3.4.2 / 3.4.4 Augmentation Services: DGNSS Guidance

ENG15 WG3 TG-3.4.5

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.5

High accuracy systems: to review the last changes and pending notes on the guideline G1127 aiming for silent approval

ENG15 WG3 TG-3.4.3 Augmentation Systems

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.6 (SBAS)

Proposed meeting to review the comments to the updated  G1129 guidelines with a view to providing updated GL for approval at end of this meeting.

ENG15 WG3 TG-3.2.2

ENG WG3 TG-3.2.2

Status Meeting R-Mode task group

Event Series ENG15 WG3 TG-3.3 Racons

ENG15 WG3 TG-3.3 Racons

ENG meeting room A

Review input papers. Finalize G1147 on ERPS. Discuss future standardization of racons and radars. Discuss how ERPS can contribute to resilient PNT. Discuss IMO information paper that came out of […]

ENG15 WG3 closing session

ENAV WG3 Meetings

WG3 closure meeting to finalise the WG3 deliverables and report.  Change to talk about common discussion points as time permits.

ENG15 WG3 TG-3.2.2

ENG WG3 TG-3.2.2

Closing Meeting R-Mode task group

ENG15 WG3 – Impact of solar farms

ENG WG3 Meetings

WG3 consideration of input documents ENG15-3.2.10 on impact of solar farms to visual and radio systems.  The aim of this meeting is to understand what we need to do as a WG.  I have scheduled this for an hour but anticipate we may not need this long.

ENG15 WG3 TG-3.1.1: Resilient PNT

ENG WG3 Meetings

I'd like to review where we are and how we move this GL forward between now and ENG16. Due to start at 1315 (GMT) as I'm aware there are other WG3 meetings due to finish at 1300.

ENG15 WG3 TG-3.4.2 / 3.4.4 Augmentation

ENG WG3 TG-3.4.2 / 3.4.4

AUGMENTATION SERVICES + RTCM 2.4 discussion Final session Tasks 3.4.2 / 3.4.4 Augmentation Services: DGNSS Guidance

Event Series ENG15 WG3 TG-3.3 Racons

ENG15 WG3 TG-3.3 Racons

ENG meeting room A

Review input papers. Finalize G1147 on ERPS. Discuss future standardization of racons and radars. Discuss how ERPS can contribute to resilient PNT. Discuss IMO information paper that came out of ERPS Workshop.

ENG17 WG2 TG Racons

ENG WG3 TG-3.3 (Racon-radar)

Meet to discuss work for this work period.