
An IALA Guideline describes how to implement practices normally specified in a Recommendation.

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IALA is an international association that deals with Marine Aids to Navigation. The association aims to provide information and support to its members and the maritime community through its standards, recommendations, guidelines and other documents as accurately as possible. However, the planning, implementation and operation of Marine Aids to Navigation remains the sole responsibility of the respective national members, authorities, administrations or other entities according to their respective national law including the decision to use IALA’s standards, recommendations, guidelines and other documents.  IALA shall in no event be held responsible for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, or out of or in connection with the above-mentioned documents, the use of or other dealings with them.

Showing 1–16 of 178 results

ID Title Last revised date Format
G1102 G1102 VTS Interaction with Allied or Other Services 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1110 G1110 Use of Decision Support Tools for VTS Personnel 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1070 G1070 VTS role in managing Restricted or Limited Access Areas 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1115 G1115 Preparing for an IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS) on VTS 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1101 G1101 Auditing and Assessing a VTS 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1083 G1083 Standard Nomenclature to identify and refer to VTS centres 30 January 2022 PDF: English
G1045 G1045 Staffing Levels at VTS Centres 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1105 G1105 Shore-side portrayal ensuring harmonization with e-navigation related information 16 December 2022 PDF: English
G1104 G1104 The Application of Maritime Surfance Picture for Analysis in Risk Assessment and the Provision of Aids to Navigation 09 December 2013 PDF: English
G1089 G1089 Provision of a VTS 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1111 G1111 Establishing Functional Performance Requirements 16 December 2022 PDF: English
G1081:es G1081 Ayudas virtuales a la navegación 01 May 2010 PDF: Spanish
G1086 G1086 Global Sharing of Maritime Data 22 June 2012 PDF: English
G1095 G1095 Harmonised Implementation of Application-Specific Messages 31 May 2013 PDF: English
G1062 G1062 Establishment of AIS as an Aid to Navigation 04 December 2008 PDF: English
G1082 G1082 An overview of AIS 24 June 2016 PDF: English