
Showing 17–32 of 174 results

ID Title Last revised date Format
G1111-5 G1111-5 Producing Requirements for Environment Monitoring Sensors 16 December 2022
G1111-4 G1111-4 Producing Requirements for AIS 16 December 2022
G1111-3 G1111-3 Producing Requirements for Radar 16 December 2022
G1111-2 G1111-2 Producing Requirements for Voice Communications 16 December 2022
G1111-1 G1111-1 Producing Requirements for Core VTS Systems and Equipment 16 December 2022
G1171 G1171 Human Factors and Ergonomics in VTS 03 June 2022 PDF: English
G1170 G1170 Solar Modules for a Marine Environment 03 June 2022 PDF: English
G1169 G1169 Training and Certification of Marine AtoN Personnel 03 June 2022 PDF: English
G1168 G1168 Quality Control of third-party AtoN Service Providers 03 June 2022 PDF: English
G1147 G1147 The Use of Enhanced Radar Positioning Systems 03 June 2022 PDF: English
G1167 G1167 VTS Management 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1166 G1166 VTS in Inland Waters 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1165 G1165 Sustainable Structural Design of Marine Aids to Navigation 17 December 2021 PDF: English
G1164 G1164 Management of Maritime Resource Name Organisation Identifiers 17 December 2021 PDF: English
G1163 G1163 The Marking of Breakwaters and Barriers 17 December 2021 PDF: English
G1162 G1162 The marking of offshore man-made structures 17 December 2021 PDF: English