
Guidelines French

AVERTISSEMENT : Ce document est une traduction de l'original anglais et n'est fourni qu'à titre d'information. En cas de divergence, l'original anglais prévaut. L'AISM n'assume aucune responsabilité en cas d'erreurs, d'omissions ou d'ambiguïtés dans la traduction. Toute personne ou entité s'appuyant sur le contenu traduit le fait à ses propres risques. L'AISM ne peut être tenu responsable de toute perte causée par la confiance accordée à l'exactitude, à la fiabilité ou à l'actualité des informations traduites.
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Guidelines Spanish

DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: Este documento es una traducción del original en inglés y tiene únicamente fines informativos. En caso de discrepancia, prevalece el original en inglés. IALA no asume responsabilidad por errores, omisiones o ambigüedades en la traducción. Cualquier persona o entidad que confíe en el contenido traducido lo hace bajo su propio riesgo. IALA no será responsable por ninguna pérdida causada por la dependencia de la precisión, confiabilidad o puntualidad de la información traducida.  
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Recommendations French

AVERTISSEMENT : Ce document est une traduction de l'original anglais et n'est fourni qu'à titre d'information. En cas de divergence, l'original anglais prévaut. L'AISM n'assume aucune responsabilité en cas d'erreurs, d'omissions ou d'ambiguïtés dans la traduction. Toute personne ou entité s'appuyant sur le contenu traduit le fait à ses propres risques. L'AISM ne peut être tenu responsable de toute perte causée par la confiance accordée à l'exactitude, à la fiabilité ou à l'actualité des informations traduites.
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Recommendations Spanish

DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: Este documento es una traducción del original en inglés y tiene únicamente fines informativos. En caso de discrepancia, prevalece el original en inglés. IALA no asume responsabilidad por errores, omisiones o ambigüedades en la traducción. Cualquier persona o entidad que confíe en el contenido traducido lo hace bajo su propio riesgo. IALA no será responsable por ninguna pérdida causada por la dependencia de la precisión, confiabilidad o puntualidad de la información traducida.  
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An IALA Standard is a part of a framework, the implementation of which by all coastal states will harmonise Marine Aids to Navigation worldwide. IALA standards cover technology and services and are non-mandatory. Disclaimer IALA is an international association that deals with Marine Aids to Navigation. The association aims to provide information and support to its members and the maritime community through its standards, recommendations, guidelines and other documents as accurately as possible. However, the planning, implementation and operation of Marine Aids to Navigation remains the sole responsibility of the respective national members, authorities, administrations or other entities according to their respective national law including the decision to use IALA’s standards, recommendations, guidelines and other documents.  IALA shall in no event be held responsible for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, or out of or in connection with the above-mentioned documents, the use of or other dealings with them.
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An IALA Recommendation specifies what practices shall be carried out in order to comply with that Recommendation, and may be referenced, in full or in part, in an IALA Standard. If you require any old versions of the document, please contact the secretariat: Disclaimer IALA is an international association that deals with Marine Aids to Navigation. The association aims to provide information and support to its members and the maritime community through its standards, recommendations, guidelines and other documents as accurately as possible. However, the planning, implementation and operation of Marine Aids to Navigation remains the sole responsibility of the respective national members, authorities, administrations or other entities according to their respective national law including the decision to use IALA’s standards, recommendations, guidelines and other documents.  IALA shall in no event be held responsible for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, or out of or in connection with the above-mentioned documents, the use of or other dealings with them.
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An IALA Guideline describes how to implement practices normally specified in a Recommendation. If you require an old version of documents, please contact the secretariat: Disclaimer IALA is an international association that deals with Marine Aids to Navigation. The association aims to provide information and support to its members and the maritime community through its standards, recommendations, guidelines and other documents as accurately as possible. However, the planning, implementation and operation of Marine Aids to Navigation remains the sole responsibility of the respective national members, authorities, administrations or other entities according to their respective national law including the decision to use IALA’s standards, recommendations, guidelines and other documents.  IALA shall in no event be held responsible for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, or out of or in connection with the above-mentioned documents, the use of or other dealings with them.
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These documents give a detailed overview of a specific topic. Currently this includes: NAVGUIDE; VTS Manual; and CLU Manual. The NAVGUIDE covers all aspects of Aids to Navigation (AtoN) and is updated every four years at each IALA Conference. The VTS Manual covers all aspects of Vessel Traffic Services and is updated every four years at each Symposium.
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Model courses

The IALA World-Wide Academy publishes three categories of model course for VTS personnel; Aids to Navigation Managers and Aids to Navigation Technicians.
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Other Publications

From time to time, IALA produces documents that do not fall into the categories of Recommendation, Guideline or Manual. These documents are published as Other Documents and include the IALA Maritime Radio Communications Plan, the IALA World Wide Radionavigation Plan and a brochure on VTS operator fatigue.
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Reports and Proceedings

This catalogue includes reports from recent workshops. This section will be periodically updated as new workshops, seminars and other events occur. If there is a report that is not included in this catalogue please notify IALA on the following address:
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