Council 78
The newly elected council members for the period 2023-2027 met for the 78th session of the council on 3 June 2023. At this session, they elected the president from Brazil, the vice-president for India. They also elected the Treasurer, Captain Ian McNaught.
The Council elected the Finance and Audit Committee, which consists of:
- Captain Ian McNaught (Treasurer), Trinity House, UK;
- The Council member from Federal Waterways and Shipping Agency, Germany;
- The Council member from Direction des Affaires Maritime, France;
- The Council member from Light Dues Board Peninsular Malaysia; and
- The Council member from General Director of Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine Chilean Navy, Directemar.
The Council approved the proposal to rename the ENAV committee as the DTEC committee.
The Council approved the Committee work programme for the period 2023-2027.
The Council decided to re-appoint Christina Schneider of the Federal Shipping and Waterways Authority of Germany Chair of the Legal Advisory Panel, with Henning Osnes Teigene of the Norwegian Coastal Administration remaining the Vice Chair.
The Council appointed the Committee Chair and Vice Chairs as follows:
- Aids to Navigation Requirements and Management Committee (ARM):
- Chair: Mr. R David Lewald, US Coast Guard
- Vice Chair: Ms. Natasha McMahon, Canadian Coast Guard
- Engineering and Sustainability Committee (ENG):
- Chair: Mr. Alwyn Williams, GLA Research and Development, UK and Ireland
- Vice Chair: Mr. Michel Cousquer, Cerema, France
- Digital Technologies Committee (DTEC):
- Chair: Mr. Hideki Noguchi, Japan Coast Guard
- Vice Chair: Mr. Jorge Arroyo, US Coast Guard
- Vessel Traffic Services Committee (VTS):
- Chair: Ms. Monica Sundklev, Swedish Transport Agency
- Vice Chair: Mr. Dirk Eckhoff, Federal Waterways and Shipping Authority.